Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Genetic Algorithms vs Natural Selection

A recent post by quinton got me thinking about genetic algorithms, and more specifically, about the fact that the algorithm is essentially based on Darwin's theory of natural selection. It's a great technique for solving certain classes of problems, but it troubles me somewhat that the process of evolution (upon which the algorithm is based) is not properly established.

In general, I think the evidence for evolution is very strong. However, the mechanics of how it works still needs proper explanation - at the present time natural selection seems unable to explain things properly. Let me outline a few objections to the theory of natural selection:

1) How the first replicator could arise is not at all explained. (The first replicator is the first entity able to reproduce itself). There are any many suggested theories, none satisfying. Currently, the first replicator mechanism is not explained, not proved and not reproducable.

2) The fossil subset is very poor. Only a tiny fraction of species show intermediate forms, and no species show smooth transitions. Darwin himself thought that the lack of fossil records was the biggest threat to his theory, but was confident that in the fullness of time, sufficient fossil data would come to light. Good hominid fossil records have been found in recent times (presumably because human evolution is more interesting), but that aside, it's arguable that over 100 years after his death, the fossil records are even poorer (as some promising fossil records from his time were proved to be incorrect).

3) Irreducible complexity. This is a popular weapon of creationists, typically they refer to complex components such as the eye. More compelling are some of the metabolic pathways present in organisms - the fact that complex molecules are synthezed in 12 or more steps, with no useful by-products. Hence the whole process would have to have been discovered "at once".

4) Staggeringly variable rates of evolution. Certain species seem to have "forgotten" to evolve despite being subject to the same evolutionary stresses.

5) Problems with DNA itself. Despite the genome mapping project, it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how DNA could contain enough information to define a complex phenotype.

6) The timescales present major difficulties, perhaps even the most significant objection. The timescales to evovle from hominoid to hominid seem too short by many orders of magnitude.

Now, the bulk of these objections can be overcome by either (a) substantially increasing the time available or (b) coming up with a better mechanism than natural selection.

Let me stress again that I have no time for creationists, who for me fall into the same category as astrologists, homeopaths and psychics (i.e. people who believe in things despite the absence of scientific evidence). However, based on the points above, I think the theory of natural selection is currently inadequate to explain evolution properly. And as such, its use as a basis for a computer algorithm is suspect.

Thanks to Alex for his input in structuring this article.


At 3:44 pm, Blogger Quinton Hoole said...

I think that An Index to Creationist Claims should answer most, but not all of your questions, specifically:

Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence,
Evolution is baseless without a good theory of abiogenesis, which it does not have,
There are no transitional fossils,
The eye is too complex to have evolved,

I'll tackle the remainder when I have some more time.

At 8:48 pm, Blogger quantumf said...

Thanks for responding, I welcome some help in understanding this stuff. People who know me well will know that I am something of a Genetic Algorithms nut. I'm simply hoping that a better explanation of natural selection may assist in further improving GA. For instance, the fitness function in GA is the most awkward and tricky part of it. It may well be that fitness is not all there is to natural selection, if so, perhaps some more sophisticated aspect of natural selection will assist in making GA's easier and/or more powerful.

I did check out the references you mentioned, unfortunately not one of them really came close to helping. They are more concerned with refuting creationism than providing a consistent and believable explanation of how natural selection gets us from nowhere to here so "quickly."

For instance, the eye explanation: I tried (unsuccessfully it seems) to avoid using the eye as an example of irreducible complexity. I think it would be easy to provide a sequence of useful intermediate stages in the development of the eye. It's the complex biochemical processes that we require for life that are more puzzling. How did they come about?

At 4:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to respond to your issues one by one.

1) That's not necessarily an issue that the theory immediately has to deal with. Still, there are some very interesting ideas out there -- including my favorite by Stephen Wolfram that because nature itself is computational at the finest levels of detail, "replicators" are everywhere and all that's required to get universal computation (and other complex things) is sufficient conditions in the environment.

2) Why do you think that species have to show smooth transitions?

3) You might as well argue that an individual cell is too complex to spring forth fully formed. There's more complexity in a cell than in, say, the system of the stomach. On the other hand, I think that explaining all of the mechanisms of cells is the current job of biologists. In any case, Natural Selection doesn't say anything about how systems change -- it only describes the process by which certain systems come to be found in large numbers.

4) It seems like you think of evolution as a linear progression or as a requirement for species. In fact, the way that the theory goes is like this: if there's a niche function to be filled, eventually a species will evolve to fill it. So there's nothing inconsistent there with the fact that flies still exist (they still fill a niche).

5) By some estimates there's 6 GB of information in the human genome. I think there's plenty of room there for a program complicated enough to create a human being. Why do you think that this is too little?

6) I think that, while you might have a point here, it doesn't really follow that this is a fault of Natural Selection (the theory). This is because Natural Selection is a "top-down" theory that says nothing about mechanisms. It only talks about how it is that it appears that species evolve and change. In a sense, it says "OK, well I don't really know *how* creatures mutate, but they do. Now, admitting that, the trend of *species* evolution over time is controlled by the selective pressure of the environment. That is, however it is that a creature mutates, the environment will either allow that mutant to live or die. Some mutations are beneficial to creatures, and they allow creatures to thrive."

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