Friday, July 30, 2004

Great Hacking vs Great Writing

The java blog world is up in arms about Paul Graham's anti-java tone in his recent controversial post.

See here and here for instance.

If you are a passionate programmer, Paul's writing can be very inspirational. His ongoing anti-java bias is, however, very offputting. Regardless of your preferred language, at the end of the day, we're programming finite state automata. Different languages give us more or less abstraction levels, possibly allowing certain concepts to be expressed more succinctly, but nothing can change the fact that all we are doing is manipulating bytes, comparing bytes and diverting to other memory locations based on those comparisons.


Here is a well written response, the last sentence in particular is very telling.
Here, on the other hand, is a cutting response, and the comments are even better - check out Starsky McFlirt's comments: " Oh sorry, I forgot, he also applied a basic statistical concept to email filtering as well that worked for like at least one year. Somebody give the man a f**kin Nobel prize tout suite. " still has me chuckling.


At 4:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul's stance on Java is really just about its "hostile" attitude toward programmers (i.e.: that many state design goals for the language involve keeping "the average programmer" from shooting his foot off).

In that respect, arguments like yours that we're just pushing around bytes at the end of the day are like Turing-equivalence arguments, as you admit yourself when you say that other languages "possibly [allow] certain concepts to be expressed more succinctly."

When the conceptual size of the program grows, the extra space you buy with the ability to express certain concepts more succinctly adds up to serious gains -- especially considering the limitations of finite creatures like us.


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