Thursday, July 01, 2004

Internet Browsing with Firefox

Get firefox. The short version is that there is no reason to stick with IE anymore. It's served it's purpose, it's been superceded, end of story.

The longer version is that Mozilla have finally come up with a browser that is distinctly better than Internet Explorer, but is also largely compatible with most sites out there. Previous versions of Mozilla (and Opera) suffered terribly from sites that were customised for IE. The features contained within Mozilla are of course fantastic, tabbed browsing is wonderful (admittedly Opera has had this for ages).

What swung it for me, however, was the vibrant plugin community. There are already loads of genuinely useful plugins available that extend the browser - allowing you to customise the browser to your heart's content. Development ended on IE some years ago. Once they killed the then browser market, development unofficially terminated. (Conspiracy theorists suggest that this was because Microsoft feared an overly-functional browser killing off windows, their cash cow, as a sufficiently rich and powerful browser would render the need for windows and client side applications irrelevant).


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